Hi! I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. We planned to be back from our trip overseas that afternoon so we could attend the festivities at the resort as we do every year, but our plane from Holland to the US was late. We missed our connection and ended up in Philadelphia for the night. It was the first time we have not spent the holiday at Lago Mar so we were so sad. Although Philadelphia is probably one of the most patriotic places to be on our country’s birthday, we missed our tradition of dressing up in our red, white, and blue and heading to Acquario for Chef Phil’s Extravaganza. I was so looking forward to his new Kebab La Plancha Station and the Avocado Toast Station. I was even going to splurge on his Vermont White Cheddar Mac and Cheese. We walked so much on our trip that I felt like I was entitled to the calories from something so decadent and delicious! All of us agreed that we also missed sitting down on the beach, as a family, on our huge Lago Mar Beach Blanket, while all of us, decked out in glow in the dark jewelry, oohed and ahhed over the fireworks. In the past few days, I have heard from several members and guests that the evening was a huge success!
For next year, we made a pact that we will keep our tradition to make sure we are in Fort Lauderdale at our favorite place in the world to celebrate the Fourth of July! We are here for the rest of the summer so I can’t wait to see all of our members and guests either on the beach, by the lagoon, or on the Promenade Walkway!