lago mar resort fort lauderdale beach January 15, 2021 2:10 pm

Hi! Someone asked me to write a blog about the perks of visiting Lago Mar in the winter. This will be a very easy blog to write, especially this particular winter.

During the next few months, we will enjoy the best weather of the year. There is an abundance of sunshine with relatively low humidity (very low for us Floridians). Most days there is not even a cloud in the sky. In fact, last year during the shutdown for the pandemic we had the most amazing weather ever. So many days my dad and I would literally stand outside by the Promenade Walkway and talk about how perfect it was outside and such a shame that the resort was closed.

Now that it is winter again and the resort is open, Lago Mar is absolutely the best place to spend a vacation. Anyone that has stayed with us knows how much outdoor dining we have and how many activities we have for kids, such as: a basketball court, playground, chess set, foosball, ping pong, putt-putt, volleyball courts, and 4 tennis courts – all of which are in the bright sunshine and we all know that COVID-19 does not like ultraviolet rays. Also, all of our accommodations have private balconies, which is a big hit with everyone.

Another reason to come to Lago Mar in the winter months is that all of our restaurants and shops are open at the resort and in Fort Lauderdale. Of course, all businesses are abiding by the CDC guidelines and social distancing.  Basically, if you need/want to get away from the cold and shutdowns up north, and you are up for traveling, Lago Mar should be by far your number one choice.

If you found my blog interesting, would like more information, and/or would like for me to help you book your stay with us please email me at

Hope to see you soon at my favorite place!


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