lago mar playground fort lauderdale April 1, 2020 7:13 pm

Hi! I hope everyone is holding up well during this really tough time. I have been posting so much to the Beach Club Members Only Facebook Group to keep them current with the ever-changing mandates pertaining to the Club that I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted on our main page in a little over a week!

First, I want to let you all know how grateful my family is to have such loyal, supportive fans of Lago Mar. It is incredible to see all of the sweet messages from so many of our guests. Our members have been amazing, too, with their support of our Grab and Go and their generosity to our staff. For us, it is very sad to walk around the property and see a beautiful space without all of you. Lago Mar misses you so much!

We miss seeing the kids on the playground, the adults socializing at The Promenade Bar, and The Dining Room full of happy guests feasting on delicious food. We miss the smell of your suntan lotion wafting around the pools and the smiles on your faces as you relax in the ocean. The weather has been so gorgeous that is almost surreal to see the beaches empty.

Last week, I received two big boxes in my office containing the 1200 plastic eggs that the Easter Bunny was supposed to hide on Easter Sunday. Although we won’t be able to celebrate the holiday on April 12th, there is no rule that we can’t have some Easter fun for the kids in the summer. Also, we cannot let 2020 go by without acknowledging Lago Mar’s 60th Anniversary! I have some ideas I will share with you soon.

Be safe!


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