October 10, 2016 4:29 pm

Hi! I am so grateful to report that we were spared by Hurricane Matthew. Our prayers go out to our fellow Floridians up in the northern part of the state. We did have to fully prepare for the storm by moving several beach chairs, tables, umbrellas, equipment, televisions and many other items. Our staff has been wonderful! Almost everyone took part in the preparation for the storm and then, at 6:00 am Friday, our employees began coming back to work to put everything back in order so that we could re-open later that morning.

LMBoarding LMWalter

Unfortunately, we did have to evacuate our guests Thursday but we were able to take them back Friday midday. Chris and I and the kids and my parents stayed Thursday night at the resort with a handful of our staff. Once we had a good idea that the storm wasn’t going to hit us, we were able to relax a little.

The kids were having a ball using their go pads and hover boards down the Gallery Walkway – something that would be totally forbidden if we had guests. I actually borrowed the keys for the Soda Shop from the front desk and took a bottle of wine from our beautiful little wine cellar tucked away in the corner of the market area to toast to our safety and our beloved Lago Mar. I also grabbed some packages of hummus and pretzels, which I had never had the opportunity to try. They were awesome! Our Manager really has a knack for buying great gourmet items and, as I have mentioned before in my blog, she has recently been ordering several healthy bars and other snacks.

Again, our prayers go out to those that have been affected by Hurricane Matthew.


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