Hi! I hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend. We were fortunate to have absolutely beautiful weather, and the resort was busy!
Our COVID-19 Cases in Florida and Broward County have really been on the decline. It shows in the amount of bookings we had for the holiday weekend as well as future reservations.
Friday evening, the long weekend kicked off featuring our guitarist, on the Lagoon Island, who entertained our guests and club members while they dined on the Promenade Walkway and Sea Grape Terrace. His music was also equally appreciated by several of our resort guests who were on their private balconies, sipping cocktails, and taking in the gorgeous views.
I received lots of compliments on Saturday regarding the debut of our Ketel One Botanicals and I felt like I just had to try the Cucumber Mint. It was the right call because, oh my gosh, it was so very refreshing and delicious (and low calories!). It is my new favorite cocktail!
Over the holiday weekend, after many conversations with our guests and members, I realized just how safe people feel at Lago Mar. I am happy to announce that we have recently added our iWave-C technology in the beach bathrooms, Soda Shop, Resort Shop, and other areas throughout the property. We had previously implemented this system, which kills mold, bacteria, and all viruses, including COVID-19, in the Dining Room.
We are constantly striving to be the best resort/club we can possibly be!