Hi! Wow…what a week we have had! We are very grateful that we were spared the worst of Irma’s wrath. We did experience strong winds but luckily never saw a storm surge of any significant amount. Unfortunately, the Keys and Miami were not so lucky. We are praying for our fellow Floridians to make a speedy recovery.
We actually opened our resort last night at 5:00, and within just a few hours we booked almost 80 rooms of our neighbors, who were looking for asylum from their hot, dark, and power-less houses. Acquario was bursting with people celebrating that our city was still intact and survived the possibility of a “beast” Category 5 storm heading straight for us. This would never have been possible without our amazing staff, who rushed back to the hotel as soon as it was legally possible to cross the 17th Street Causeway Bridge.
We did have quite a lot of sand make its way up to the swimming lagoon, and we are trying our hardest to get both pools open as soon as possible. We do want to tell you that some of our turtles’ nests hatched, probably due to the Barometric Pressure dropping, and our beach staff were right there to help the stragglers make their way safely to the ocean.
As far as the tennis courts go, the nets should be back up today, because Demi needs to get back to training.
Lastly, we had a lovely surprise visit last night from Kach and Jonathan, otherwise known as Two Monkeys Travel! We always love seeing them and hearing about their recent travel adventures. It is so neat to see how something horrible manages to bring so many people together. Hope to see all of our guests and members soon!
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